Official Community GLUTTONY Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID:1-31-9593686-29

Platform: PC(Epic)
Submitter name: Hamushi

Contract Title:The Harvester

Briefing: Good morning 47.
This time the target is three employees working in Mendoza.
Emiliano,Emesto and Nesto are embezzling grapes grown in Viñedo Yates.
Their purpose is to eat the grapes themselves and they are considered to be guilty of the sin of gluttony.
Our client’s request is to give them the punishment they deserve for their sin and to eliminate them, so eliminate them with the grapes of Viñedo Yates.
Good hunting.

Brief Description: What is the proper elimination method for Gluttony? It is, of course, to eliminate the target with food. In the world of HITMAN, you can use food to kill people.
In this contract, you will have to procure the necessary grapes locally.
Also, you must not pacify people, so do not forget to deal with the sound that is created when you hit the target with the grapes.

Location: Mendoza
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