Official Community GLUTTONY Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-27-2575004-71
Platform: PC
Submitter name: Fuzk
Contract Title: Potassium Overload
Brief Description: Eliminating someone with a banana just feels very fitting to the theme of Gluttony. The “recipe” is included in the briefing text.
Location: Dubai

A kill with a banana?
The recipe is simple.
Only two ingredients are needed:

- HWK21 Pale Homemade Silencer
- A banana

Then, you’ll need to do:
5 shots to the arm
1 shot to the torso
and throw the banana at the head.

Have fun!

Note: You acquire the gun by reaching Mastery Level 2 in Romania (Carpathian Mountains), and you can find a banana in the Meeting Room, or in two of the Security Rooms.

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