Official Community GLUTTONY Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract Title: Lead Stuck-In Teeth
Contract ID: 2-31-3854798-01
Platform: PlayStation 4
Submitter name: Notagamer972
Location: Mendoza

(Full) Briefing: Our client and your targets are competitors in an upcoming Argentinian eating competition taking place in Mendoza. Our client discovered that 3 of the 12 competitors are planning to cheat the competition for an easier win, by shortening the amount of food required to be eaten. They plan to do his by disguising themselves as winery workers, sneaking into areas where the fresh food is being prepared and consume most of it.

Our client is enraged by the actions of your targets, they have been looking forward to the new cuisine that they haven’t tried before and now they feel like the targets are taking that away from them. They want you to disguise as a waiter so that the targets can think that they were caught by a member of staff, only for you to pull out a weapon and for them to realise how badly they messed up. The client specifically requests that you shoot them in the mouth so that the last thing they ever taste is blood and lead bullets.

The clients strangest request is that you either preserve the bodies or shred them into liquid, the client plans to arrive at the location themselves and collect the remains of your targets. They did not disclose what they were going to do with our remains but that is none of our concern.

(Shortened) Briefing: Picture below

Other details, you don’t have to read these but I made them before hand and they provide extra lore if you’re interested:



Brief Description: The contract has gluttonous targets with an equally gluttonous client that makes you also act gluttonous in favour of the client. You must be disguised as a waiter for all eliminations and you must eliminate all targets with an SMG, you must also hide all bodies (either in boxes or shredding) and all shots fired at NPCs must be headshots.

Image suggestion: I’m not sure what type of images are allowed and what aren’t, the top one is an altered version of an image above (without text) but again, I don’t know if this type of image is allowed. I’ll put it here anyway.

There is also these images which I took in game which I’m certain are allowed but they aren’t my ideal choice.

Either way, if you do see this and like it, feel free to use whichever image you’d like :).