Official Community GLUTTONY Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Platform: Xbox
Submitter name: linux_penguin
Brief Description: EYHO provides a unique challenge for each of the four targets. Zamani is in the room where you would typically isolate the chef, and he must be conscious for the melee kill. Zaman is in a reasonably public area so it will challenge casual players. No bodies found (as well as being aimed at casual players) is for Jouda to make her kill more interesting than just KOing her smoking friend. Karam can be killed at almost any point on his cycle without siekering him, and the speedrunners will definitely find the best points to do so.
Location: Dubai

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Platform: Xbox
Submitter name: linux_penguin
Brief Description: CRO is a versatile contract, which brings attention to some areas players often won’t interact with, especially Vargas. Roca, although he may not move with the winery worker start, will walk away once the conversation about the tanks overflowing is finished, making him a very interesting target. Ibanez’s partner has shown up in What’s in the Box? and I believe both are very good targets, as timing is key for them. March does very little work. Although he bends down to look closer and the vines, he’ll never do any work and will stand up again. He’s also infront of another worker who some players may not spot until it’s too late. As for the briefing, these people are taking their breaks in excess!
Location: Mendoza

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