Official Community GLUTTONY Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Featured Contract Image suggestion:

Contract ID: 1-33-1090400-87
Platform: PC
Submitter name: Atomicgarbage
Contract Title: The Lucy Diet

Our client Lucy Phillips is judging today’s Dartmoor garden show. The problem is she gets invited to so many highbrow events with large spreads of food that she is starting to gain some weight so Lucy has decided to go on a diet. She tried to call ahead have to warn the event planners to make them aware of this, but it did not reach them in time. Lucy knows she can’t control herself if there is no healthy option for her so she figures that if there are no vendors, no food can be given out.

Brief Description: A fun contract without any restrictions which is a great puzzle map because of how public the targets are. Also with enough mastery can be a great speedrun map
Location: Dartmoor Garden Show, England