Official Community GLUTTONY Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Featured Contract Image suggestion:

Contract ID: 1-31-5820142-87
Platform: PC
Submitter name: Atomicgarbage
Contract Title: I AM A VEGAN!
Valentina Yates is in a bad mood. She’s stuck at her ancestral vineyard doing nothing of interest. Her husband Don, who sometimes shares court cases to entertain her, is finally retiring and won’t be able to amuse her anymore. Worst of all, for his retirement party he got an asado grill buffet for dinner, which he knows she can’t eat as a vegan! When her fiancé won’t even accommodate her diet she knows it’s a stab in the back. She demands we eliminate all her aggressors swift and precisely.

Brief Description:
An amazing map with no restrictions that’s perfect for speedruns and I think the story is funny if you pay attention to the npcs as they actually say that Mrs. Yates is a vegan in game. Pls choose one of my maps I would love to see one as a Featured Contract in this awesome game.
Location: Mendoza, Argentina