Official Community GLUTTONY Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID:1-31-7126167-27
Submitter name:Quartz_Tan
Contract Title:The Legend Of Kitchengun
Briefing:(didn’t write in game)The Don Yates has stole the Legend weapon----’‘The Kitchengun’’ from our client,Derek Bum,and handle it to the man he trust best,Eneas Palermo.Eliminate him and get the gun back,leave a Ornate Scimitar as warning.Also,other four thieves disguised as winey worker must be taken care of.Make a loud one,let them know the power of Kitchengun.We prepared an asado chef outfit for you,you know what to do…
Brief Description:no disguise changed,means players can only started as asado chef,and that Ornate Scimitar used the only agent pickup.All these means players can only use that loud shotgun to kill other 4 targets,and find method to hide the bodys before someone find it and leave,that the interesting part of this contract.
