Official Community GLUTTONY Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

My first submissions !

But before them, if like me you struggled to find thematic ideas for gluttony outside of the obvious food side of it, I wish to say that gluttony is more than that. Courtesy of TV Tropes

Contract ID: 3-29-2783697-13
Platform: XBox
Submitter name: LandirtHome
Location: Berlin

Contract Title: Requiem for a biker

Briefing: Good evening, 47. Our clients are grieving parents who just lost their son to addiction. They gave us the name of his dealer, Marius Schmitt, and the location of his gang hideout. Although Marius is your main target, the clients ask us to look for any gang members found near drugs and to do to them what they did to their son. To poison them all. Good luck, 47.

Brief Description: I wanted to explore the addiction side of the sin of gluttony. The contract uses the first two levels of the Biker hideout and the drug side of their activities for a cozy but meaningful experience. I also wanted to challenge people into finding poison in the level/on the ICA agents as the contract demands more that one can bring and smuggle (unless one decides to drag them all in the Grow House for an alternative solution). Unfortunately sprinkle unit poison kills don’t properly register, making the contract much easier, but the requirement is still in the briefing.

Featured Contract Image suggestion: a poison jar and a cocaine brick side by side in the grow house.

Contract ID: 3-27-0694139-13
Platform: XBox
Location: Dubai
Submitter name: LandirtHome

Contract Title: Second Serving

Briefing: Good morning, 47. Your targets are Lucy Phillips, Cornelia Steyvesant and Sebastian Sato. As artist, heiress, and fashion designer, their lives are simply regal and decadent. So used to opulence, they recently decided to become judges for diverse luxury events. Multiple contracts have been made on them. From this deadly buffet, one asks you to strike during the inauguration of the Burj Al-Ghazali, and to serve and refine their falls.

Brief Description: What is gluttony if not asking for more of what you already had ? The contract is obviously a reference to The Dartmoor Garden Show but was still made to be an interesting puzzle in isolating the targets near a fall accident opportunity. I almost added a pun about feeding the void in the briefing, but thought it would be too much. (hint : Gluttony is friendly towards emetic poison, an elevator is behind the bar near the bathroom and Sebastian Sato can find himself outside the eyes of guards and friendly NPCs even on the balcony)
But I must add that @GlogolZ still has me beat on puzzle contract after his Romeo & Juliet contract, which was a masterpiece of a hair pulling contract.

Featured Contract Image suggestion : Sebastian Sato looking at the distance from the balcony