Official Community GLUTTONY Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-28-2173699-50

Platform: PS4

Submitter name: Chiku138



Hello Agent 47, the client wants to kill the five demons who have committed the “SIN OF GLUTTONY” by food poisoning.

The client is THE RIDDLER who shared the following Riddle:

Arrive smartly and mend the kitchen to fill the shortage of venom in the house with the key to exit, but beware of a culprit who use the fixed to fail you. Only the demon sleeps today and change outfit from pouch. The order of the chain is the path and with glasses, you are the king.

Good Luck solving the Puzzle!

Brief Description:

This contract is for difficulty seekers and puzzle solvers, the most tricky part is to get the butler on the cup of tea and save a non-target. It is an addictive contract where if you solve one piece of puzzle, and you get Mission Failed due to non-target eliminated. I recommend just follow the Riddle and note down your steps in a paper and you will surely solve it. Ignore the time ticking which distracts you while playing – it is optional. I feel it is a 30 Minute Test to master Hitman and you must replay/replan until you get a solution, but once you get the solution, trust me your day will be awesome. You only need to bring one lethal poison and may get the rest from the map.

Please play it and let me know the feedbacks here in comments. This would motivate me to create more of this contracts and share with you. It took about a week for me to plan and design this contract. Please note that this is not a contract for speed runners, but yes if you found a solution, feel free to speed run.

About Me: I am a lady with a PS4, and I play 3 games on it - Hitman 1, Hitman 2 and Hitman 3. I have been playing all since Hitman Codename 47 back in 2000 and waiting eagerly for Hitman 4.

Location: DARTMOOR

Image Submissions:

Note: Many Thanks to @ LandirtHome for creating this Contract for X-Box
X-Box Contract ID: 3-28-4218366-13

Silent Assassin with 5 Start Rating proof: