Official Community ENVY Featured Contracts Submissions [ENDED]

Contract ID: 1-28-9064489-29
Platform: PC(EPIC)
Submitter name: Hamushi
Contract Title: Conan = Shinichi

Briefing: Zachary Carlisle was a good garden designer, and the gardens he designed were highly regarded in the community.
However, he was murdered by people who were jealous of his talent. The four murderers are Olly, Henry, Edith and Jake.
In addition, Phinas used a cover story during the investigation to give the perpetrators an advantage.
A Zachary friend has asked us to take revenge on them. This time, your mission is to eliminate the criminals and then blame their crimes on the Phinas.

Good luck.

Brief Description: Envy is a horrible thing and can sometimes bring death to a person. In Thornbridge Manor, a man was killed by the flames of Envy. Your mission is to take revenge on the murderers on behalf of the man’s friend. You will be given three restrictions.

-The four criminals must be punished.
-The assassination must been blamed on the killers’ collaborators, Phinas.
-Do not hit or choke non-targets.

This contract is very well designed; all agents, from rookies to veterans, can choose the strategy that best suits their abilities. This contract is appropriate for a Featured Contract that is played by many players.

Location: Dartmoor

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