Official Community ENVY Featured Contracts Submissions [ENDED]

Contract ID:1-29-3487326-86
Platform: PC
Submitter name: Peterchu
Contract Title: Hirschmüller’s Envious Rampage
Briefing: Rolf Hirschmüller has just inspected the Son’s of Ragnarok’s operation and realised how little work it was. Envious for their cut of the profits, he sets out to shut their operation down so he could start his own without any need for intermediaries.
Brief Description: Being envious can mean many things, it can be envious for roles, for money and that envy can drive you to kill. Rolf is envious of their operation and desires to cut out the middlemen to have all the money for himself.
Location: Berlin
Image Suggestion: 47 in Rolf’s clothing shotgun pointing towards the camera.