Official Community ENVY Featured Contracts Submissions [ENDED]

Contract ID: 1-29-6780561-91

Platform: PC

Submitter name: Merw17

Contract Title: I AM A BETTER DJ THAN YOU!

Briefing: You are the best assassin but are you the best DJ too? If not, there is only one solution. Take down your rivals and make it with bombastic style. You need also a great Alibi. I heard that DJs owe some money for drugs to local dealer, so it is good motive for dealer to revenge them.
Good luck 47.

Brief Description: I was inspired little bit to do this contract for my own experience like DJ. And yes sometimes there is big rivalry among us :slight_smile: This contract need some grinding in this game because you need specific items to do job done. There is little story for DJ and dealer too in this run and full run take place on the stage so atmosphere of berlin rave is in this mission all the time. And I want make this little bit harder but is not to hard overall if you figuare out how kill all of a DJs with explosions like a ghost. For some players this may be good challange to figure out how do this contract to 5 stars SA.

Location: Berlin

Featured Contract Image suggestion: 47 with his bass drop. I liked that 47 had his own tracks for case if he randomly appears on the rave :smiley: