Official Community ENVY Featured Contracts Submissions [ENDED]

My second submission

Contract ID: 1-29-4391661-62
Platform: PC (Epic)
Submitter name: djsojus
Contract Title: The Cool Kids
Briefing: 47, we have a special contract. Our client wanted to be part of a group called “The Cool Kids” as a child. They were his classmates, but they never accepted him. Our clients envy of them grew over the years. He never lost track of them. Now is the time: According to our client they are all at some club in Berlin at the same night. Let’s see if they can keep their cool or if they lose their heads after your visit…
Brief Description: A nice and kind of easy contract. But with a lot of potential. All the targets are near starting and/or exit points. So how will you approach this? What’s the fastest or safest strategy? With no restrictions (Any/Any) there are almost endless possibilities.
Location: Berlin
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