Official Community ENVY Featured Contracts Submissions [ENDED]

Contract ID: 2-29-0171061-37
Platform: PS4
Submitter Name: Deimatic
Contract Title: Mirror Match: Berlin

Briefing: All these men think they’re the best at their jobs, but anything they can do you can do better. Prove you are the best at it all. The only thing you need is the right outfit.

Brief Description: Named for the classic video game scenario I think the concept of eliminating targets as you dress as them fits envy perfectly. The optional complication forces you to use all (or most depending on starting location) the free disguises available on the map to get your targets. I tried to design it in a loop, where one target naturally leads to the next disguise and then the next target. The looping nature maximizes the possible starting points if you are looking to get through the contract with speed, as well as making the contract flow well for all players.

Location: Berlin

Image Suggestion:
VS Screen

No Text

Just Targets