Official Community WRATH Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-30-4183692-01

Platform: Xbox One

Submitter Name: Pootis.exe

Contract Title: 12-Gauge Rampage


The ICA made a big mistake when they turned their backs on us. For years we were their best asset, and how do they repay us?! Not only did they try to stab us in the back, they had the nerve to think they could get off scot-free!

The time for subtlety has passed. Let’s remind them what we’re really capable of. Grab yourself a shotgun and your finest suit, and unleash your wrath on four of their best employees. They need to suffer, so make sure they feel every last pellet.



In this contract, 47 exacts his revenge on the ICA for their betrayal by eliminating four of their best employees. However, he has done away with his usual preference for subtlety. He has instead armed himself with a shotgun; intending to give the ICA a brutal reminder of just who they’re messing with.

This being the Season of Wrath, I wanted to create a contract that would allow players to stir up a bit of carnage, should they choose to do so. The player is therefore required to eliminate four ICA employees (one of each type for a bit of variety) using a shotgun, and without using any disguises. I specifically chose a shotgun as it’s the perfect weapon for enacting a wrathful revenge: brutal, messy, and up-close-and-personal. However, I didn’t want to deprive players of a more traditional approach; so the contract is designed to have two layers: A Subtle Approach, and a Loud Approach.

For the Subtle Approach, players will likely need to start with their own silenced shotgun (which can be unlocked in Romania or from Featured Contracts rewards). They will be required to infiltrate the facility, isolate their targets, and eliminate them quietly (or as quietly as a shotgun will allow). I have intentionally chosen targets that can be isolated fairly easily without the need for emetics. Players must watch their aim however, as the Perfect Shooter complication requires them to make every single pellet hit; meaning players must be point-blank, and either directly in front or behind their targets (for an up-close-and-personal revenge; perfectly executed). It also means that cameras become much more dangerous, as they cannot be destroyed with gunshots.

As for the Loud Approach; using a silenced shotgun is optional. A shotgun can be found in the facility’s armoury if players are unable to bring their own. Here is where the more wrathful players can quite literally go in guns blazing. Charge in, blast the targets, get out. While complications obviously still apply, people taking this approach likely don’t care much about Silent Assassin, so they’re basically irrelevant. It is possible to achieve Silent Assassin with a non-silenced shotgun, but it is obviously much more difficult. The targets being relatively straightforward to isolate comes in handy here, as their bodies can be hidden before any NPCs can come and investigate the gunshot. On this approach, the Perfect Shooter complication is less about 47’s perfectionism, and more about inflicting maximum brutality.

Regardless of approach, those wishing for Silent Assassin must complete the contract Suit Only. This is a personal revenge mission; so it must have that personal touch. Ultimately, this contract will test the player’s infiltration and isolation skills for the Subtle Approach, and their combat skills for the Loud Approach.

Location: Chongqing

Image Suggestion: Perhaps something similar to the image at the top of the submission, depicting a shotgun-wielding 47 amongst a pile of corpses in a burning ICA facility. Alternatively, it could be 47 surveying the weapons racks in the facility’s armoury, like in the below image. I’ve added a good number of potentially usable images in the drop-down menu below.


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