Official Community WRATH Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-29-3759810-18
Platform: PC
Submitter name: Steventjeeee
Contract title: Hirschmüllers Wrath

Good morning 47

Your destination is once again the nightclub in Berlin. The boss, Rolf Hirschmüller was very angry. He had to shut-down his club because of a deadly virus

Just yesterday, he reopened the club, but without permission. We have to stop him otherwise many people will die. So, our plan is that you go undercover as Rolf Hirschmüller and kill the chief employees of the most important sections. Without those employees, the club must close.

Make it a loud one, 47

Brief Description: This is my contract! I chose to make Hirschmüller one of my targets for his disguise. With the disguise you can go to every place on the map. I also chose 3 other targets. They are spread out on the map, but if you know the shortcuts you can go to them a lot faster. I also chose to kill them with a shotgun that you can find in Hirschmüllers office or just from a biker. I think that the shotgun really fits the wrath concept. I also chose a complication. You need to try to hide the body’s in nearby containers. The whole idea of this concept is that when you shoot with the shotgun you need to hide the body and get away as fast as possible before somebody sees you.

(I made the complication optional, so that people also have the option to go gun blazing :wink:)

Location: Berlin
Image suggestion:

(When i watched the season trailer for wrath i saw Clemens flipping his table, that reminded me of something……)