Official Community WRATH Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract Title: Fury Of The Five
Contract ID: 2-27-2648944-01
Platform: PS4
Submitter name: rilledstilled
Location: Dubai

Contract Briefing [full]:
Good evening 47, your targets are a group of mercenaries in the Arabian Military that once fought in a squad together known as ‘The Furious Five’.

They were deployed on a secretive mission in an unnamed country on behalf of an unknown Arabian official. They were sent to confront a group of protestors and take them unwillingly to an abandoned facility where they would be tortured, brainwashed and turned against each other for months on end. Most of the protestors never made it out alive and the ones that did were irreversibly scarred beyond recognition.

Since then, the five have disbanded and moved onto working as security for high value officials. They are going to be working as security at the opening of the Burj-Al-Ghazali on behalf of the same official they worked for years ago.

Our client is a supposed ex-comrade of one of the targets and after they found out what they did, they were disgusted and enraged. They have hired us to take out each target in ‘the most violent way possible’, in order to send a clear message to the official they worked for. Happy hunting 47.

Briefing [short] see image below:

Brief description:
The targets silenced the enraged and took their own anger out on them. Now the client wants to reignite that rage that they tried to silence. I wanted to make a contract where you could go in and blast people loudly without being caught, John Wick type stuff. The kill conditions require you to go loud while still staying stealthy, there aren’t any complications other than the kill conditions, I wanted it to be a bit fun :).

Image suggestion(s):

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