Official Community WRATH Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-27-4273125-48

Platform: PC

Submitter Name: Sfiggaz

Contract Title: The Last Straw

Good day, 47.
Your targets are 3 security guards of the penthouse located at the top of the Burj Al Ghazali.

The repetitive harassment and violent behavior of the targets towards the staff caused a tense atmosphere at the penthouse. However, what made the clients, the workers themselves, truly enraged was the recent beating of one the staff members at the hands of these 3 guards.
The clients also asked for an “elegant but ruthless execution”, surely you’ll be able to satisfy their request.

Good luck.

Brief Description: In order to please the clients, eliminate the targets with a shotgun, while wearing your suit (elegant but ruthless); furthermore do not kill any innocent, because you’ll probably end up killing one of your clients. The bonus objectives are both optional, so feel free to play the contract however you like it.

Location: Dubai

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