Official Community WRATH Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Alright I have a contract

contract ID: 2-31-7877432-16
Location: Mendoza
Platform: Playstation
Submitter name: TNGassassan
Briefing: “47! despite your amazing dinner skills these 2 people gave you steak a 1 star rating! They complained it was “overcooked”! well we will show them what overcooked looks like! Lets torch them!!! But don’t use guns. Good luck 47”

Description: while there are some restrictions the only one that is mandatory is the no shooting anything but an NPC. the challenge of this mission is to figure out how to light the targets on fire without shooting them (theres are multiple hints of how to do that in the Briefing and photos). there are a few ways to light oil barrels but all are viable. The goal of this is to kill your targets in a method you would not normally use. I think it would be good as it could also encourage the use of the new item that will come out at the time of these contracts release “the professional screwdriver”. As you are going around puncturing oil barrels without having the option to just shoot them.

Image suggestion: I think something similar to these two would work and best suits the theme of the contract.



(also this is just a little side note but if you choose my contract is it possible I can have the “ICA outstanding performance coin” or the “aluminium travel briefcase”. I don’t want to sound like an annoying brat but it would be nice sense I didn’t start playing till Hitman 2.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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