Official Community WRATH Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-27-5887960-20
Platform: Xbox
Submitter name:Crewdy
Location: Dubai
Contract Title: The Dubai Downfall

Briefing (this one is preferrable to the in-game one):

Good day agent,

When we think skyscraper we think going up, we want you to make it come down… on them…

Why do skyscrapers have so many chandeliers? Make use of them turning all eliminations in to accidents.

I shall leave you to prepare…

Brief Description:
Another loud contract which requires the player to drop chandeliers on unsuspecting people without the use of a gun or winches. Part of the fun of this is routing; your loadout is enforced by needing 3 explosives, plus the one on the map. There are a few viable starting locations and there are also ways of getting multiple targets at once if you are willing to experiment.

Image Suggestion:

Go big or go home.