Official Community WRATH Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-31-3890216-56
Platform: PS4
Submitter name: ambusher55
Location: Mendoza
Contract Title: The Toilet Problem

Gabrio Ibanez is angry as he is the farthest guard from the toilets. He does not get bathroom break as well and is planning to terminate his boss. Hence Yates wants us to terminate Ibanez with his last wish.
Meanwhile one of a guest Robertson has captured one of the three bathroom which is making the guest angry. Since there is only three bathrooms for more than hundreds of guests.

Brief Description:

  • Two Targets
  • One Guard, other is a Civilian
  • One is very Easy, Other is a bit Tricky and Hard
  • Both has to be Drowned
  • No Other Complications (I tried with No Pacification however)
  • Clue:
 * The owner of the briefcase shown in image plays an important part here
 * Emetic Syringe a Guard on the Sniper Rifle Falcon Team and check the path/game logic
 * With correct timing and place, let the guard (Gabrio) carry the briefcase
 * Gabrio has to be emetic poisoned twice.
  • Useful Note: Don’t try pacifying everyone to the toilet and drag the guard, how will you wake him up to drown then ??

Image Suggestions:


Video showing the path to Gabrio’s Last Wish :rofl

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