Official Community WRATH Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Vagrant Wrath

Contract ID : [PC] : 1-30-6731830-22 [PS] : 2-30-1294478-96 [XB] : 3-30-5070085-01
Platform: PC (main), PS, XB.
Submitter name: CybraxCyber
Contract Title: Vagrant Wrath
[Optional] : No Loadout.

Good day agent,

Your client once lived amongst the destitute scolded by the inhabitants of ChongQing for his misfortune. A stroke of luck granted him great wealth and now has hired you to exert his wrath.

He wants you to kill his former homeless friend who betrayed him and the people who laughed and mocked him for trying to survive.

To send a message you are to leave his clothing at your final target.

Good luck agent, I shall leave you to prepare…

Brief Description:

All items can be found on the map, you can opt to bring some in but you will always have to collect at least one which in turn also will be loud. For those who like a challenge complete the contract with no loadout.

Location: ChongQing

Featured Contract Image

This contract is ensure to induce rage in you