Official Community WRATH Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-31-7478519-20
Platform: Xbox
Submitter name: Crewdy
Location: Mendoza
Contract Title: An Eye for An Eye

Wrath · noun · retributory punishment for an offense or a crime.

47, a bunch of guards at Viñedo Yates got in to your car! They have stolen all your weapons and are parading them around like they are their own. Go get your weapons back and put them to use by eliminating the culprits.

Brief Description:
To me the season of Wrath means loud. This contract is based around the idea that all 4 of the weapons that you need are located on the map, but they are also carried by the 4 targets. This gives a wealth of options in which starting location and route you choose, as all are a viable choice. This also means that the 4 weapons you need are going to make some noise.

Whilst you could technically get 4 silenced weapons to use, you will potentially do so at the expense of a quicker time. Will you let your rage out and go loud, or keep it bottled up and take the silent route?

Image Suggestion: