Official Community WRATH Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-31-9479743-43
Platform: Xbox
Submitter name: V1deost
Contract Title: good 47 u
Briefing: Good afternoon, 47. Our client is feeling particularly wrathful after a bad breakup. She only has one parting message for your targets: Burn in hell.
Brief Description: Wear any disguise and utilize the oil barrels around the sniper area in Mendoza to set your targets aflame. There’s one specific barrel where if you puncture it, it’s just a waiting game, as two targets will kill themselves with it. For the others, distractions are needed. Pretty simple. There is one complication that’s there for story purposes, which is no recordings, because who wants to remember a bad break up? :wink: This is about burning and forgetting. (The inspiration behind this contract was the song “good 4 u” by Olivia Rodrigo).
Location: Mendoza

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