Official Community WRATH Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-27-1745747-59
Platform: Xbox One
Submitter name: Krikkit2021 (Krkkit2012)
Contract Title: Don’t Quack Up (pun on “don’t crack up”)
Briefing: image
(do me a favor)

Brief Description: 47 has gone on one too many Kill Them Challenge sprees and the ICA has been forced to take action. Bumped down to the lowest levels and with one foot out the door, 47 must find a way to rein in the rubber ducks (or at least make it look he did) if he wants to climb back to the top.

Basically, this contract is all about explosive devices (preferably ducks and golf balls) and well placed and timed detonations. Each target presents their own challenges, some of which may not be readily apparent on first glance. “Any Disguise” allows for any staring location, which will each allow access to some of the targets but “No Pacifications” makes it difficult to acquire appropriate disguises for the other targets.

Both complications are optional so you can try to rein in the carnage or give in to it or both. The only thing required is the use of explosive devices. Can you master 47’s inner rage? Control it just enough long enough so the fires don’t consume everything around him? Or, give in and show everyone just how much damage one angry man can do?

Good luck.
Location: Dubai, UAE
Image Suggestion: Something like these. Or, as many individual ducks (with a hidden golf ball among them) as possible raining down around 47 or in a pile around him both on the bench.