Official Community WRATH Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

And as last time, here is @Chiku138 submission on Xbox, but to give the option of a non copyright version to the developers, I gave it a new title and a whole new briefing.
A briefing with a twist !

Contract ID: 3-27-0015224-13
Platform: Xbox
Location: Dubai
Submitter name: Chiku138

Contract Title: The scorn of a Kingmaker

Briefing: Good morning 47. Our client is a Washington power broker, a kingmaker who was denied an helicopter ride in Dubai due to the incompetence of the flight crew, pilots and guards, He wishes to right this wrong, and tasked the agency to make it happen. He is particular in his demands, he asked us to push to push the targets to their deaths so they could, and I quote here “feel and realise their mistakes”. A gruesome prospect, but nothing outside our competences. Good luck 47.

Brief Description: Does this version of the contract takes place in a parallel universe where the ICA is still running and Carl Ingram is a client ? Maybe…

Featured Contract Image suggestion: as proposed in the original post

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