Official Community URBEN Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-30-6021568-69
Platform: Xbox
Submitter Name: Canucklehead X
Location: Chongqing
Contract Title The Ghost of Urben Past

PC version: 1-30-3088339-89 (from Heepo)


Poor Urben. He was thrown off his game when he saw famed Agent 47 at Haven and died in an explosive gas leak. Now his spirit roams the world, unable to crossover. The stars have aligned on December 24th, and he is able to get revenge on his handler, Angus Pitchford, for not keeping informed of 47’s actions. His failed targets are also present, and he can repay his debt to Death. Urben must be quick for a happy afterlife, he can only control 47 for a brief time as 47’s will is too strong.

Brief Description

A blatant attempt to tie-in Urben’s in-game appearance in Haven. There is only one propane tank on the map that I could find, so you will need to be quick.

Image Suggestion

While I had a couple of ideas for an image on the map, I just couldn’t resist the unfortunate demise of Urben. I think this may be the first submission with an image suggestion not taken in the map the contract is on.

Version 2.0
Contract ID: 3-30-7851994-69
PC: 1-30-7511717-89 (from Heepo)

This one adds a Required Exit complication. I resist using as the submission as the sewer exit does not show after eliminating the targets (I won’t say which one) and I think it adds an unnecessary level of difficulty to the contract. I do like it as it implies where Urben to descending to for the afterlife :smiley:

Thanks to @Heepo for the PC versions.