Official Community URBEN Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

47‘s Christmas Carol

Id: 2-28-5179283-77
Plattform: Ps5
Once upon a time there was an old, mean man named Ebenezer Scrooge. He hated everyone around him and vice versa. In the Night before Christmas, three ghosts visited him. The first was the ghost of Christmas past, apearing as a young boy with orange hair. The second was the Ghost of Christmas present, an elder man in green. And the third was the Ghost of Christmas Future, a Dark and cold phantom. After this, Scrooge turned Into a good saint and donated all his money. But now he wants revenge…

Targets and Conditions:

Patrick is in the Library, Edward in the Dinnerroom and Alexa roams the Mansion.

Image suggestions:

Or the same in Noir:

Editornote: Even the targets are not Heavy, you should do this contract SA with no loadout. That way, it is a bit More tricky :wink:)
Why this Contract fits the theme:
Welcome to my second contract :smiley:
Everbody knows the novel: „A Christmas Carol“ from charles dickens. I loved it as a child and Builded this Mission all around the book. 47 disguised as the undertaker looks a lot like Scrooge in the movies and the targets are Chosen to symbolize the three ghosts of Christmas. Even the optional killmethods are fitting the characters. Drowning patrick symbolizes the tears from scrooge and the First Trip throgh his childhood. The falling accident from edward symbolizes the flying Part with the second Ghost. And the Explosion symbolizes the big Turn of personality he is going through at the end.
I hope you all enjoy the contract and happy Holidays to all of you :slight_smile: