Official Community URBEN Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-28-7760836-19
Platform: Xbox
Submitter name: How To Hitman
Contract Title: Russell Sprouts

Christmas. Oh, what a wonderful time of the year. It is a time for indulging in succulent turkey. It is a time for catching up with our dearest friends. It is a time for making memories with those we love most. Unfortunately, some families miss out on such events. Your targets cover up their mistakes with a blanket of snow. It won’t be long before the snow melts, and the death beneath it begins to creep through. A little bit of compassion doesn’t hurt. The consequences do, however.

Brief Description: My main objective when making this contract was to find an NPC called Russell. And after 20 minutes of searching, the jigsaw pieces fell into place.

I wanted to make a contract which focuses on how the lives of families have been ruined by the actions of others. Taking inspiration from A Christmas Carol, I looked at how different the festive period is without the presence of a loved one. Your targets have committed terrible accidents, disrupting the lives of numerous families. Instead of owning up to their mistakes, they hid them under a blanket of snow. It won’t be long before then snow melts, and their actions are revealed.

Showing a bit of compassion doesn’t hurt, but the consequences of your target’s actions definitely do. I have included 5 accident kills, to reflect on the points above. They require some distractions to make them work, but most players should find them straightforward enough. The kills can also be completed using items from the Hitman 3 inventory only.

Location: Dartmoor, England


Image Suggestion: (If anyone could get a better one using Ansel I would appreciated it :slight_smile: )

Video Walkthrough