Official Community URBEN Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract Title: Slashing The Slackers

Contract ID: 2-28-2006628-11
Platform: PlayStation 5
Creator: Danger_dog_guy_7
Location: Dartmoor

Why does it fit the theme: 47 is tasked to kill 4 naughty kids stealing candy from Mrs. Carlisle and not doing their work. Ofcourse Patrick Carlisle is the one responsible. This one works best when dressed as Santa 47.

Target locations: All targets are inside the house. Each level of the mansion has a maid target. The ground floor also has Patrick as a target.

  • Patrick in the library
  • Talking maid in the kitchen
  • Flirting maid on the first floor
  • Maid in Carlisle’s wardrobe on the top floor

47, this is a very urgent manner! Young Patrick Carlisle is pushing the manor staff to sit on their ass and relax with him. He promised each of the workers a bag of Alexas supreme candy. And tell you what, he isnt gonna ask for that! Mr. Fernsby got word of this and isnt too happy. That candy was supposed to be for him! He hired us to take em out. Find all the slackers and… well, you know what to do.