Official Community URBEN Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-33-6453881-10 (PC)
Contract Title: Fly Me To The Moon
“Good morning, 47. Your primary targets are Zachary Croft and Phyllis Eccleston, founders of a major toy manufacturing company in England. They are also notorious for manufacturing a toy called “Howard Express no. 1”, a toy rocket ship known for malfunctioning and exploding at large gatherings and Christmas parties. So far, 9 children have died from the toy, but production hasn’t stopped. Our client wants the couple and one of their suppliers, Sebastian Sato, eliminated. Good luck, 47.”

Themeing: Founders of a toy manufacturing company, Fly Me To The Moon (although not meant to be) is still very christmas-y, reference to Bart Howard, DGS has a very 60s feeling
Target locations:
Sebastian Sato: goes from the mansion to the Arabic garden, then to the stage.
Phyllis Eccleston: In the middle of “the gardens”, where the bar/boufet is. If you look straight at the bar/boufet whilst standing on the smaller set of stairs, she will be right to the left talking with another NPC in pink clothing.
Zachary Croft: He is sitting in front of the stage. If you look at the stage, he will be on the right sitting in one of the chairs.

Image Suggestions: