Official Community URBEN Featured Contracts Submissions [CLOSED]

Deck the Halls

Contract IDs:
Xbox: 3-28-7859741-20
PC: 1-28-6495537-89 (thanks @Heepo)

We Brit’s love a good party. Any excuse to get drunk and make a fool of ourselves. Christmas is no different. Thornbridge manor is the perfect place to have a large Christmas party, but what if some of the guests were “uninvited”?

Christmas! A time for festive cheer, mulled wine, presents and… death? There is a party being prepared at Thornbridge Manor 47, but some of the guests forgot to RSVP. Deck the halls with boughs of holly 47, and a little bit of blood.


Oliver is behind the greenhouse
Harvey is in the trophy room with Rebecca
Otto is patrolling the hallway on the top floor
Ralph is watching Edward from the adjacent hallway

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