Official Community HEAT STROKE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID:1-06-7492662-63
Submitter name:Sanic_CHADD
Contract Title:Heat Under The Mask
Briefing:Marrakesh is hot in June. The poor prisoner cannot bear the heat. He wants to end it himself . Set him free from the pain , and inherit his will by eliminating Hlida berg and her bodyguard . They involved in Strandberg’s evacuation , the operation caused the death of Laham’s brother. Make them pay for the death. Make sure to put on the prisoner’s clothe,just… for the revenge.Use the sniper rifle.We cannot leave any trace behind.
The clock is ticking 47.Good luck
Brief Description:A three targets map . Wear the prisoner’s clothe(for the revenge,and it’s very hot)any method/any disguise for prisoner and sniper rifle/prsioner for the rest
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