Official Community HEAT STROKE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract Title: A Stroke of Genius
Contract ID: 2-11-4789670-09
Platform: PS4
Location: Miami
Submitter Name: Steynkie69

Robert Knox has assigned 3 people in a scheme to make Sierra win the race. Kate will distract the crew, while 2 guards sabotage Moses Lee’s car. This will kill him, so they must be stopped. According to our intel, they will be in the sun for long hours, and if you put something flammable in their sun tan lotion, they will spontaneously combust!
Give them one hell of a HEAT STROKE, 47…

Looking for some “Heat Stroke”, I discovered this little gem in Miami. Kill Kate and the 2 guards with a fire accident. Easy to figure out, and it works like a charm. The first TRIPLE FIRE KILL in Hitman history! SA can be achieved in 2 mins.

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