Official Community HEAT STROKE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID : 1-04-2870714-01
Platform : PC (Epic)
Submitter name: EU BWIPO
Contract title: The show is over
Briefing:Know the noisy tearing his voice shouting the pool of water lilies slowly opened the hazy eyes.Dragonflies fly from the surface slightly sideways in the shuttle between the leaves from time to roll down the dew to wet its wings.summer wake up in the lotus pool.Lying on the soft and comfortable grass the face of the wind to bring a little hot face.the flowers were in full bloom and the brids were singing in their branches.sunmmer run in the wilderness.Everything seems to burn up.The world is a warm red.Lotus on the seven-color rainbow who is not careful down the pigments.summer is bathed in the light of the light


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