Official Community HEAT STROKE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-03-1599974-62
Platform: PC (Steam)
Submitter Name: piko1311
Contract Title: Stay Hydrated
Briefing: Good morning, 47. Our client is Silvio Caruso, he is worried about 3 of his mansion guards, because they have started acting in strange ways recently.
Silvio believes it must be Sapienza’s merciless heat getting into their heads and he has asked us to help them “cool down”. I’m sure you know where this is going, 47…
Brief Description: Hey, it’s me again. Heat stroke sounded like a pretty weird theme when i first heard it, but I’m quite happy with the contract I made. The objective is to push 3 guards to their deaths in the ocean so that they cool down from the heat. Hope you guys like it :slight_smile:
Location: Sapienza

not sure about the photo tho, feel free to use a different one if you want