Official Community HEAT STROKE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-22-3115778-60
Platform: Xbox Series X
Submitter Name: AshleyJS13 & SecondShaun
Contract Title: A Crumbling Muffin Empire
Briefing: Due to global warming all residents of Whittleton Creek have switched to renewable energy, except one. Helen West continues to use fossil fuels to run her business. It’s time to “accidentally” shut her muffin empire down, and help save the planet in the process. Good Luck 47.
Brief Description: 5 Targets, 5 different accidents are required to eliminate them. Electrocution, Explosive, Fall, Drowning and Poison. No Knockouts, Suit Only, Don’t Get Spotted and No Camera Recordings.
Location: Whittleton Creek
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