Official Community HEAT STROKE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Medical Attention

Contract ID: 3-26-1726127-19
Location: Haven Island
Platform: Xbox
Submitter name: How To Hitman

Good afternoon, 47. Your destination is Haven Island, where record temperatures have already led to the death of two individuals. Numerous guests are being treated for heat stroke by a professional doctor by the name of Dr Singh. It just so happens that Dr Singh, along with his patients have been caught tax-evading, and they have fled to Haven Island to escape the authorities. 47, ensure your patients get the medical attention of a true professional.

Brief Description:
The aim of this contract is to use the Doctor’s disguise whilst eliminating your targets. The first elimination can be completed using any method. The kills requiring a fibre wire, in this case, the stethoscope, require a little bit of planning as there are guards around the map who may spot you. Finally, the falling kill requires you to think outside the box. An obvious choice would be to dump the body on a ledge. However, there are a few faster and easier ways which you will need to figure out. So, this contract can be played in many ways. It is suitable for casuals and speedrunners, and no emetics are required to complete the kills. I hope you enjoy playing it!


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