Official Community HEAT STROKE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Who needs the Maldives when you can climb up Mt. Fuji for a summer break?
Contract ID: 3-18-7137521-19
Platform: Xbox
Submitter Name: Kesington019
Contract Title: 'Kkaido Inferno!

Briefing: Dr Klaus Liebleid, PhD, Official Virological Report 23/06/22.
Subject: Chimerical Hypothermia.
It is clear now that the chilliness symptoms exhibited by my colleagues is a state of delirium: our fascinating little friend here not only acts with grand physical prowess, but accentuates mild discomforts, to the point where pyromania is inevitable where snow falls. Further research pending…
Brief Description: Everyone’s dying for a break to somewhere warm and sandy, so much so they decided to test the fires before making the trip! Do what you can to warm people’s hearts with your flaming passion for compassion! (Note: the bodyguard disguise requirement for the sauna buddies was accidental, my face is red-hot with rage towards myself; man I’m such a bad comedian.)
Location: Hokkaido (Patient Zero)
Image Suggestion:

Hope you have fun!