Official Community HEAT STROKE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-03-2109903-48 (main version) / 1-03-4680725-48 (stock creator; no specific wire and sniper)

Platform: PC/Steam

Submitter name: Dani1o

Contract Title: Heat Stroke Rampage


Mysterious carnage in Sapienza was caused by a heat stroke?

Five people in Sapienza were thrown off a cliff, shot, poisoned, strangled and hacked to death within 5 minutes. Main suspect claims the last thing he remembers was a car accident, after which he woke up naked next to a dead man. Nevertheless, witnesses claim they saw him running from a crash site:
“Weirdo in a tight suit? First he jogged past us to the left, towards Araldo’s butcher shop. Five minutes later see him again, waving his hands like a maniac, showed us a delivery guy with a hatchet in his skull. Poor fella was still warm, god rest his soul”, - Carlo and Edoardo, front gate security at Villa Caruso.

The hatchet was identified by gardeners Masiello brothers. According to them, it disappeared from their shed right before the murder. The other alleged murder weapon were high quality earphones found on the suspect. Main version of the police is a violent outburst caused by a heat stroke.

Brief Description: The contract is a puzzle with (likely) one correct route to get SA. Optional time limit was added to make you figure it out, but it’s loose enough to not make you speedrun. No glitches/advanced tricks are meant to be used.

Just in case made an alternative version which is gameplay-wise identical, but created within stock creator functionality and doesn’t require earphones from H2 Expansion.

Walkthrough (Spoiler)

Location: Sapienza / World of Tomorrow

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