Official Community HEAT STROKE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-11-6886868-43
Platform: Xbox One
Submitter name: V1deost
Contract Title: We Didn’t Start The Fire
Location: Miami
Briefing: Our client has asked that you contract heatstroke while completing this contract. So um…don’t take off your coat and feel the burn, 47. I’ll have some iced tea for you when you’re done. :slight_smile:

Brief Description:
You are tasked with eliminating one member from each racing team. They should be eliminated by fire accidents(optional), you may not be spotted by cameras(optional), however it is mandatory that you do not remove the thick fur coat you have on while completing the contract.


Image Suggestion:
(it’s meant to look like you’re suffering from heatstroke…)