Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

:fire: Hot Scope, AKA nobody is free of sin sniper rifles (“except” me :upside_down_face: ):wheel:

Contract ID/Title/Briefing:

Platform: Xbox
Submitter name: linux_penguin
Brief Description: well you see it’s hot scope because there’s a lot of guns :smiley:
but also going around the map gathering firearms can be just as fun as bringing them in, with some guns to be obtained from the targets.
Location: Chongqing

Image Suggestion, aka first pretty image I found :)

:fire: :wheel: :man_running: :fire: :wheel: :man_running: :fire: :wheel: :man_running:

Contract ID/Title:

Actions have consequences. A guard with an SMG dies, so does a morgue doctor. A guard with a pistol dies, so does a mechanic. There is no assault rifle In the GAMA facility, so how about you add a new gun to the show? Just watch out; people hear gunshots, and targets have protection.
Platform: Xbox
Submitter name: linux_penguin
Brief description: oh no I’ve just made the same contract twice!! not really though, you begin in a hostile disguise and must navigate around. A casual player could bring an SMG for a quick morgue doctor disguise, but someone looking for a challenge would only need an assault rifle. After that it can all come crashing down as the shotgun can be found in the resort security room, the SMG on the guard and a pistol on the bodyguard
Location: Hokkaido-Patient Zero

Image suggestion