Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-29-7813025-84
Platform: PS4
Submitter Name: teddyfilmore
Contract Title: Through the Looking Glass
Location: Berlin


Club Hölle was already sweaty before someone threw cocaine into the fan. Now you can barely remember why you came. You keep asking for water but can’t hear anyone over the clash of a thousand frenzied voices against electronic dance music.

You’re dizzy. You try to escape but get lost in the colors and the rhythm of the lights. There are porcelain people and mulberry men, a ghost from your past and a marshmallow kingpin.

You give in to the music and start headbanging.

Follow the White Ruby…

Brief Description:

The ICA hunt is over for 47 after an accidental cocaine shower leaves him way too blasted in this heady contract where the real struggle is keeping his clothes on.

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