Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-07-9239706-04
Platform: EGS
Submitter name: Kevin Rudd
Contract Title: The Firearm Elusivity Level 2
Brief Description: Kill the target (Clemens Koch) with an assault rifle while wearing your suit, no complications. Only problem is there’s only one assault rifle on the map, and the contract is structured so you have to find it! To find it you’ll have to expand your scope of your search :wink:

Briefing: Look the current briefing doesn’t make as much sense because it’s Level 2 of an escalation-style contract. If your team is able to change the briefing to this it would be appreciated and beneficial:

For a town full of soldiers, it’s hard to come across an assault rifle here

Location: Marrakesh - AHBOS
Image: Pick your fave again

So a contract of two mini-puzzles. Finding the weapon, and then killing someone with it in your suit. Also, good to make sure we don’t have 5 sniper contracts in this batch :wink: