Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-22-6394700-84
Platform: PS4
Submitter Name: teddyfilmore
Contract Title: Hot Property
Location: Whittleton Creek


Due to major development plans for the area, Whittleton Creek is about to see a real estate boom. Unfortunately for the local Real Estate Broker, rumors of their impending gains are spreading through the neighborhood like wildfire, and more and more residents are rejecting his generous offers on their homes.

It seems, on this block, someone has to be murdered before they’ll give up any of this hot property.

Put a stop to the rumors and turn the heat up on the stubborn residents.

Brief Description:

A couple timed sniper explosions from a “Highest SA Body Count” run. Minutes pass between setups when you’re not on a massacre, so Batty gets an extra boom.

Image Suggestions: