Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-28-1855496-20
Platform: Xbox
Submitter name: crewdy
Contract Title: Bringing Down the House
Location: Dartmoor

Briefing: Oh 47, look at all the busy bees in Dartmoor. Doing the same thing day after day, following their patterns like good little boys and girls. So tiring. So boring. So lazy. Why don’t you head over there and spice things up a little, bring a little excitement in to their lives. But don’t go expending too much energy on this lot 47, they don’t deserve it.

Brief Description: a pretty straightforward any/any contract which can be completed in 2 ways… you can either run around and kill all 5 targets in any way you see fit; or you can sit on Zachary’s balcony and take them all out with a sniper rifle.

Contract image: