Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-03-0359207-67
Platform: PS4
Submitter name: Lavapenguin19
Contract Title: Shooting Sun
Location: Sapienza
'Things are heating up in Sapienza under the hot summer sun but some people around town are refusing to wear sunscreen!

Teach them a lesson in how the sun shines down indiscriminately from above by taking them out from a high up place…’

Brief Description: A quick and easy but fun church tower sniping contract. I thought the idea of shooting down from above with the sun behind you fit the ‘Hot Scope’ theme quite nicely. Tried to spread the targets out across the map including a few in public to make it interesting. Silent Assassin Suit Only possible in about 4 and half minutes, but I made all the targets Any Method Any Disguise to let people experiment a bit.

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