Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-07-5896190-59

Platform: Xbox

Submitter name: Krkkit2012

Contract Title: “Two Cents, Three Ways”


Brief Description: TL;DR: The coins represent 47’s input, the targets represent their own arguments, the lethal throw represents his big brain beat downs, and the complications represent the feud’s positive resolution and people moving on.

First, let me apologize for the budget pics; my Xbox app and I are currently having a minor disagreement about whether or not I exist. Second, let me explain why a contract the doesn’t require you to use a gun should be selected for something called “Hot Scope”. It all has to do with the kill condition; when exploiting the lethal coin glitch, you must have quick reflexes and be nearly perfect. To top it all off, when executed successfully, you CAN’T miss and the target WILL die. If that’s not a “hot scope” I don’t know what is!

Additionally, the (OPTIONAL) complications of targets only and no pacifications are there to play into the metaphor that this scenario is really an escalating Twitter feud. 47 is giving his two cents (hence the coin kills), whether wanted or not. Now, normally, these types of things tend to only get worse, especially as more and more people with less and less context pile on. In this particular case, however, 47 is going to be the perfect interloper; his input is going to be exactly what’s needed to defuse the situation and his logic and reasoning will be so quick and precise that the other arguments will instantly fall apart.

Location: Marrakesh (A House Built on Sand)

Image: something like these: