Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-03-0552545-81

Platform: Xbox

Submitter Name: TRON3205

Contract Title: Divine Intervention

Briefing: Hope you’re ready for a cleansing, 47. Our clients, a congregation of religious zealots, have requested the swift and precise executions of a group of scientists who are on the cusp of presenting “new and scary” ideas about the origins of human life. You must also eliminate Luciano Maino, the informant who tipped off the scientists about this upcoming attempt on their lives. All targets are to be shot, or anointed, on the head, and not a single stray bullet shall be discovered. Good luck.

Brief Description: A contract that prioritizes precision with both a sniper rifle and a pistol. I thought it would be interesting to tie the contract into a religious context, given that 47 does have history with the church.

Location: Sapienza (World of Tomorrow)

Featured Contract Image and Targets:

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