Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

My submission (based on an older contract I made in H2…).

Contract ID: 1-02-8810106-62
Platform: PC (Epic)
Submitter name: djsojus
Contract Title: Hocus Scopus
Briefing: A true magician never reveals his secrets. And maybe never leaves the room? Well, that’s up to you.
Brief Description: Start at the auction or in the empty attic room – it’s very easy to get to the disguise. Now you have a choice: Get a sniper rifle (stashed in the same room) and taking out your targets there. Or sneak around in the vampire magician outfit and kill your targets up close.
Location: Paris
Image suggestion: Wanted to make one with 47 as the magician aiming with his sniper rifle from outside the room, sorry, can’t do it… So here’s another one: